Tree management
Tree Management Services in Suffolk and Norfolk
Trees are valuable assets providing many benefits such as an attractive outlook, shade, wildlife habitat and health benefits. They shape the character of the wider landscape, provide focal points as individual specimens and add financial value to properties.​
This page provides general guidance on where to find useful information about common aspects of tree management for members of the public who own or have an interest in trees. If you need specialist arboricultural services it may help to understand the difference between arboriculture consultants and contractors.
Competent Arboricultural Consultants are people who, through relevant education, training and experience, have gained recognised qualifications and expertise in providing management advice about trees. You may check the professional or academic level of arboricultural qualifications at www.trees.org.uk.
Competent Arboricultural Contractors have certificates indicating that they have been trained and assessed. Some also have other academic qualifications in arboriculture. They will use safety equipment to protect you, your property and themselves.
Arboricultural Association Approved Contractors are a competent contracting company which has achieved this status following a rigorous vetting process. The list of Approved Contractors is available on the website.
Selecting the Right Tree, for the Right Place
Planting a tree in your garden is a decision requiring forethought and planning. Consideration must be given to the surrounding landscape and buildings, space available, soil type and location of the particular site.​
Careful thought will help to ensure that an appropriate species is selected for the particular location, so giving the tree the best chance of successful establishment and future growth.
Advice and information on this subject can be obtained from sources including;
A competent arboricultural consultant
Tree Planting
It is essential that young trees are given every opportunity to survive planting. Poor planting practices can result in long-term problems and even the death of the tree.​
Information on how to plant your trees can be obtained from;
A competent arboricultural consultant
A competent arboricultural contractor
Specialist tree planting contractors
Tree nurseries
Maintenance in the first few years following planting is crucial to ensure establishment. Young trees need TLC;
Tending – check stakes, ties, guards and prune out broken and diseased branches
Loosen ties and remove the stake altogether if the tree is stable
Clear vegetation from around the base
Add water when required
Legal Protection of Trees
Some trees are protected by legislation, and it is essential that you establish the legal status of trees prior to carrying out works to them. Unauthorised work to protected trees could lead to prosecution, resulting in substantial fines and a criminal record.​
Advice on legal protection to specific trees can be obtained from a competent arboricultural consultant, an AA registered consultant, a competent arboricultural contractor, an AA approved contractor or from your local planning authority.
Legal protection may take one of the following forms:
Tree Preservation Orders (TPO)
Conservation Areas (CA)
Covenants, deeds and leases
Planning conditions
Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI)
Felling licences
Specific legislation to protect wildlife covered in the next section
Construction Close to Trees
Trees are easily damaged by construction works, regardless of their scale. Digging a garden pond may cause damage to trees in the same way as a building demolition and construction.​
It is important to ensure that trees are adequately assessed before any work takes place.
Legal protection may take one of the following forms:
This is a complex topic. The specialists who can help you are;
A competent arboricultural consultant
Your local planning authority
Building Subsidence and Heave
Occasionally trees can cause subsidence or heave damage to structures. If you notice cracks to your building, the first thing you should do is contact your building insurers who will investigate. If agents for your neighbours house ask you to carry out work to your trees because of alleged damage the trees have caused, you should advise your own building insurers and if necessary instruct a competent arboricultural consultant and possibly a structural engineer to assess the situation.​
Subsidence and heave require a multi-disciplinary approach involving a range of professionals.
The following professionals should be able to help you;
A competent arboricultural consultant
A competent structural engineer
A competent geo-technical expert
Your buildings insurance company
Tree Maintenance
Most trees do not require regular pruning but there are occasions when tree work is necessary. You must take great care in deciding who you will take advice from.​
Trees can suffer ill health from pests and diseases and or as a result of climatic or environmental changes.
If your tree looks unwell, appears different to normal or you consider that tree works might be required, you can obtain guidance and advice from the following sources:
A competent arboricultural consultant
A competent arboricultural contractor
AA leaflet tree work choosing your arborist
Trees Near Buildings and People
The proximity of trees to buildings can cause nuisance and inconvenience – for example through direct building damage, heavy shade or falling debris.​
Trees in adjacent property overhanging boundaries or blocking light are frequently a cause of annoyance or inconvenience, and there may be remedies available to alleviate this. For further advice contact a competent arboricultural consultant or a competent arboricultural contractor.
As a tree owner you have a legal duty of care to do what is reasonable to prevent harm being caused to others by your trees.
If located close to people or objects of value, the risks posed by the trees should be assessed by a competent arboriculture consultant. The frequency and level of this assessment will vary from location to location and tree to tree. On occasion, remedial work or tree removal might be required.​